

スペインの高齢者たち - Abuelos - Old ones








Ayer oí en la radio que el 17% de jubilados ha dejado de comprar medicamentos recetados por el médico para sus enfermedades crónicas, porque el gobierno ha decidido que ahora tienen que pagarlos. Las pensiones de muchos jubilados son muy bajas, y en el caso de los jubilados con rentas más bajas (400 euros) la cifra de los abuelos que han renunciado a sus medicamentos sube al 27%. Parece que los viejos molesten a los políticos, ¿no? Sin embargo, aquí han sido siempre los que lo han aguantado todo.

Muchos emigraron del campo, donde ya no tenían futuro y dedicaron su vida exclusivamente a trabajar para salir de la nada e intentar que sus hijos tuvieran una vida mejor que la suya. Con la crisis del petróleo de los setenta y sus repercusiones, tuvieron que convivir en casa con hijos ya adultos, a los que el sistema les dio la posibilidad de estudiar, para no aumentar el paro, pero no la posibilidad de encontrar un trabajo digno durante años. Posteriormente, dedicaron sus ahorros a crear ese futuro de sus hijos ayudándolos a hacerse con una vivienda, cosa que el Estado ha sido incapaz de favorecer, ya que se ha limitado a recaudar más y más dinero de una burbuja económica que se basaba simplemente en la especulación inmobiliaria.

Ahora muchas personas que no pueden pagar unas hipotecas resultado de mala gestión bancaria y especulación inmobiliaria han tenido que volver a casa de los abuelos, con hijos, ya sin vivienda propia y endeudados de por vida con un banco. De la pensión del abuelo sobreviven todos. De mala manera, claro. Y muchos de los que aún tienen trabajo tienen que recurrir a los abuelos para que les lleven los críos al colegio, se los recojan y los cuiden, porque sus horarios laborales se lo impiden y los sueldos no les dan para canguros.

Y ahora resulta que algunos médicos nos advierten de que un número considerable de abuelos no se permite el lujo de tomar la medicación para enfermedades crónicas, que  “no duelen”, pero que hay que tomar en serio: hipertensión o diabetes, por ejemplo.

Si se supone que los políticos tienen que administrar el bien público, estos no saben hacerlo. Si la política fuera una escuela, yo les diría que suspender de manera tan reiterada no quiere decir que no sirven para nada, que hay otras cosas muy dignas que hacer en la vida, pero que para cuidar a la gente, no sirven. Son los políticos los que no nos sirven; los abuelos sí.

The old ones

I heard yesterday on the radio that 17% of old pensioners have stopped buying the medicines their doctors prescribed for their chronic ailments because the government has decided that now they have to pay for them. Many pensions are really low and, in the case of old retired people with the lowest pensions (400 euros a month) the percentage of those who have stopped buying medication goes up: 27%. It seems that politicians think that old people are just a nuisance. However, the old ones have always been the people who have keeping our society alive.

Many of them emigrated from the country, where they had no future and dedicated their whole time just to work to give their children the opportunity of a better life. Because of the 1973 oil crisis and following global recession, they had to support their grown up children at home, because our system gave them the opportunity to study, so that they wouldn´t join the overcrowded ranks of the unemployed, but it didn´t give them the opportunity for many years to get a decent job.  The old people of today had to dedicate their savings to help their children start up with a living place of their own, something that our state has never made easier, because its only care was getting more and more money from an economic bubble based just on real state speculation.

Now, many people cannot pay mortgages which were the result of many years of a bad loan policy of many banks and real state speculation. Many of them had to go back to their parents´ homes with their children, and are indebted for life to a bank which owns now their former flats or houses. They have to survive on their parents’ pensions. Not easily. Furthermore, many of those who still have a job have to rely on their parents to take their children to school and back. Their working schedules don´t allow them to do it, and besides, and with their salaries, a babysitter is out of the question.

And now some family doctors are warning us that a good amount of old people are giving up their medication for chronic ailments, because they cannot afford it. Those are ailments that “do not hurt”, but very serious ones, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, for instance.

If it is supposed that our politicians’ job should be to manage the common good, they are really bad at it. If politics was a school, I would tell them that failing the subject over and over again does not mean that they are good for nothing, that they can dedicate themselves to many other decent things in life, but when they have to take care of people, these Spanish politicians are worth nothing at all.  

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